On 11/30/06, Jan Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:

> I want to be able to define groups of interactive
> shells (preferably even across different users)
> so they have one single shared command history.
> Any command executed in one of them should be
> available through all history mechanisms in the
> other ones.
> I imagine some ways to do it in tcsh. I'm sure
> many users would like this kind of functionality,
> maybe some of them have already implemented it?

zsh is a pretty good interactive shell (it finally weaned me off tcsh),
as well as supporting a full range of redirection and control
constructs. You should look at that, in particular the
        set -o sharehistory
option (which does half of what you're after).

Combine this with a shared .history file and you should get the effect
you're after.

I think, I'll follow your advice. It's high time I forgot about
csh, but I wonder if you tried to change root's shell to zsh?
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