
i have run into this strange problem of kernel crashdump not
working consistently under FreeBSd 5.4.  we have bunch of development
machines with identical physical configurations, and every one of
them is setup to save the vmcore after a panic.  The difference
as far as i could tell is the FreeBSD 5.4 version, which different people installed using different methods, CD, network, CVS...

I followed the instructions found on the official FreeBSD site
as far as i could tell.

including in the kernel config file the following options

options DDB
options KDB
options GDB

include in the /etc/rc.conf file

dumpdev="/dev/ad0s1b" # 2GB swap partition with 1GB of physical memory
dumpdir="/usr/crash"  #

and making sure the dir exists

crashdump works on some of these machines, but not on others, and
on those that don't work, i just see

Dumping 1014MB

and the system just sits there.  I added a printf line into the
dumpsys function, and it seems that it just loops without ever
writing anything to disk. for those that are curious about the
details, the variables "i", "mb" are always just zero, "count goes
up everytime i press a key, and "va" stays at the same memory
address, and left never decreases.

Comments would be greatly appreciated.



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