Marwan Sultan wrote:
First thanks for you all, for the cooperating,

 My setup is as follow,

 Router <-> vr0 FreeBSD fxp0 <-> Switch <-> Clients
 Two NICs attached,
vr0 connected to the router (internet interface) has the static fxp0 connected to the Switch connected to clients acting as DHCP
  and clients are assigned 192.168.182.* ofcourse..

  kernel as you know configured for ipfw and NAT
  chillispot installed, and controlling the fxp0 device thro the DHCP
  assigning for clients the IPs. however chillispot is not an issue.

  This is the configuration,
I think chillispot using pf rules. once a user will sign in, all blocks will be remmoved.
  just for the info,

Hi Marwan,
I have never used ipfw before, so I suggest to do a quick check what the
NAT type is. Last time I checked, there was a simple client in the vovidia stun implementation. They also run a public server for testing.

If your NAT type is not symmetric NAT, you can use STUN (you will need
2 ip addresses on the internet side of your gateway for STUN to work).

If your NAT type is symmetric NAT, I suggest to look at UPNP. Most clients support it. If UPNP is not an options, I guess proxying the media streams, or rewriting the signaling is your only options left.


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