On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 06:31:33AM -0800, David Benfell wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:50:30 +0100, Marc Fonvieille wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 12:43:21PM +0800, peter wrote:
> > > 6.Check the libexec directory exists in /usr/src,
> > >   if no, #sysinstall-> custom->deistributions->src->libexec, then
> > >  # cd /usr/src/libexec
> > >  # fetch http://people.FreeBSD.org/~nork/rtld_dlsym_hack.diff
> > >  # patch < rtld_dlsym_hack.diff
> > >  # cd rtld-elf
> > >  # make clean
> > >  # make obj
> > >  # make depend
> > >  # make && make install
> > >
> > 
> > That last part is useless now and will not work with 6.2-RELEASE.
> > The current working way, is using a freash port tree and following the
> > Handbook instructions.  This is for Flash 7 (with or without soound
> > according to the site you visit), for Flash 9 it's another story...
> > 
> For what value, do you mean "useless now and will not work?"

I mean the www/linuxpluginwrapper has been updated (v 1.58 2007/01/28)
to avoid the use of any hack, and the rtld_dlsym_hack.diff diff cannot
be applied to a 6.2-RELEASE/6-STABLE source tree.


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