Call me silly, but it seems to me you ought to be lobbying Apple
for Linux support.

Get a decent Apple-made Linux player, and FreeBSD support via
the linux emulator would *probably* work, no?
I agree, getting Apple to support iTunes on Linux is key. I don't
know if there have been other online petitions ...

Good luck.  My guess is that open-source systems like Linux or *BSD
are considered too easily hackable, and therefore prohibited in
Apple's agreements with the recording industry.  (Even if the iTunes
app itself were distributed as binary-only, having both the input
and output drivers open-source might be perceived as making it too
easy to attack the encryption.)

It's not just that.

Given Apple's stance in the marketplace, they (rightly) prefer to do things when it suits their vested interests. So, considering the following points, Apple won't support iTunes on any platform other than OSX and Windows:

-DRM doesn't exist on *BSD, Solaris or Linux, which means that Apple would have to do the system from scratch or adapt the system to meet the requirements of the installation platform. -The cost of development, security risks, and probable loss of IP would be much higher since they'd be spreading out their resources pretty thin by developing DRM/iTunes for other platforms. -Plus, the number of PCs owners that do have iTunes protected files is probably much smaller than the market share that own Mac or Windows machines and use iTunes. -Many times writing binary applications for Unix requires a common denominator for all applications. Considering that there isn't necessarily a common denominator in Unix (shells are different, kernels are different, not all clients have the same WMs, DEs, etc), finding and establishing that common denominator would take a lot of time.

Therefore, with that thinking in mind I highly doubt that anything will come about in the near future where iTunes is supported on another platform than Windows or OSX, unless everyone will start using Linux or *BSD because of Vista ^_^.


PS Have you tried Crossoffice yet? It's a packaged suite for wine that supposedly supported iTunes (as well as Office XP) back in the day (~1 year ago). You'll have to pay for it though.
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