Hell Don:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-freebsd-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Munyak
> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 10:58 AM
> To: FreeBSD Questions
> Subject: Re: compiling error - /usr : filesystem full
> Here's some additional Information I have been able to find. The
> narrative is just to further explain what I was doing.
> ---------------------
> I was in the process of rebuilding a new kernel for one of my laptops.
> I did the whole cvsup_without-gui. I created a new kernel called
> LAPTOP and commented all unnecessary drivers and options.
> When I ran make buildkernel KERNCONF=LAPTOP, the process eventually
> died with an error. I neglected to write down the exact error, but it
> was something like
> {objcopy) /usr : filesystem full
> As you can see /usr is choking. I have not turned off the laptop.
> Based on the information below, what can I "delete" to free up some
> space. I use the word delete in broad terms. Much like the windows
> world where you should 'uninstall' as opposed to simply deleting a
> folder...I am not sure what to do...ie how to free up space.
> The only thing I can think of is to simply # rm /usr/ports ... for
> lack of a better example.
> # du -ak /usr |sort -nr | > /tmp/file2.txt
> This file had 24,000 lines so I deleted much of the file.
> Your thoughts/suggestions will be much appreciated.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ### output from running # df -m > /tmp/file1.txt
> ### where -m is MB
> Filesystem  1M-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a       495   55   400    12%    /
> devfs               0    0     0   100%    /dev
> /dev/ad0s1e       495   10   445     2%    /tmp
> /dev/ad0s1f      2300 2286  -170   108%    /usr
> /dev/ad0s1d      1098   58   952     6%    /var
> devfs               0    0     0   100%    /var/named/dev
> ### output from running # du -ak /usr |sort -nr | > /tmp/file2.txt
> ### where -a is 'display entry for each file in file hierarchy
> ### where -k is 'display block count in kilobyte'
> 2341378    /usr
> 636728    /usr/obj
> 636726    /usr/obj/usr
> 636724    /usr/obj/usr/src


This is from

4.6 Remove /usr/obj
As parts of the system are rebuilt they are placed in directories which
(by default) go under /usr/obj. The directories shadow those under

You can speed up the make buildworld process, and possibly save yourself
some dependency headaches by removing this directory as well.

Some files below /usr/obj may have the immutable flag set (see
chflags(1) for more information) which must be removed first.

# cd /usr/obj
# chflags -R noschg *
# rm -rf *


That might get you enough room.


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