On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 04:32:39PM -0800, Scott R. wrote:
> [please cc: me in replies as I am not currently subscribed to this list. 
>  Thank you.]

>  I get the following error in my maillog:
> fetchmail[54779]: SMTP connect to localhost failed
> fetchmail[54779]: SMTP transaction error while fetching from xxx.xxx.xxx
> fetchmail[54779]: Query status=10 (SMTP)
> I've been poring over the manpages and googling like crazy and I haven't 
> found anything to tell me what I'm doing wrong.  This is incredibly 
> frustrating and I would appreciate any enlightenment you have to offer.

I used to have a web page explaining how to use fetchmail with mutt, but 
changed it to use getmail.  Getmail seems to be preferred by people more 
knowledgeable than myself, and I've found that it seems to work better.

So, I'll send you to the page anyway, in case you feel like making the change.


However, to answer your immediate questions--it'll work despite the error 
messages but you have to add to your .fetchmailrc

mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail -d %T" 

I've found you usually have to add that to each address which is being 
checked. That is if you have [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] each fetchmail
entry should have the mda entry afterwards.

Also, you might also need a .forward file in your home directory.  That will
just say  (including the double quotes)


With Fetchmail, you will get those errors, though it will deliver the mail,
with Getmail you won't.  



Scott Robbins

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Xander: This is just too much. I mean, yesterday's my life like, 
uh oh, pop quiz. Today, it's rain of toads. 

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