On Feb 11, 2007, at 8:27 PM, Doug McComber wrote:

This is for a web server that runs Drupal.  I don't use the server for
email as I have that hosted elsewhere. I just want Drupal to be able
to send email (from localhost) via smtp auth. This is working right
now except mail can also be sent without using smtp auth.

I'm not entirely sure what you are asking. Is all the mail that Drupal sends from localhost? That is, is there a need for Drupal to listen on port 25 (or 587) at all? If there is no need for listening, then sendmail should be set up as a client only and listen only to localhost. I don't work with sendmail on FreeBSD so I can't say exactly how you do this, but getting something like

 DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')

in the .mc source for your sendmail.cf should tell it to listen to daemon host.

If you do want to connect to the machine remotely and have it relay mail for you, then having something like

 DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Name=MSA, Port=587, M=E')

in the mc file that is the source for your sendmail.cf file should do the trick. That tells sendmail to listen on port 587 (smtp submission port) and require authentication. The M=E is what requires the authentication.

Don't add that by hand, it is already nicely set up if  you use


If you want to force authentication even on localhost connections, then I guess something like

 DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA, M=E')

should do the trick.

Poking around I see that the src mc file is /usr/src/etc/sendmail/ freebsd.mc

However, there is a good chance that I've answered the wrong question, because I'm not sure what it is that you are after.

And someone who is familiar with managing sendmail on FreeBSD will be able to tell you the FreeBSD way of doing things.


Jeffrey Goldberg                        http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/

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