Andy Greenwood wrote:
> On 2/13/07, Zbigniew Szalbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
>> > You can head them off rather easily with a short PF rule set, see
>> > eg
>> >
>> > They can actually be fun to watch :)
>> It was funny for me because I set the max con rule to 10 and then logged
>> in 10 times to see if that would work. Of course that did (silly me!) and
>> as a result I blocked myself the access to the machine. I logged in from
>> another IP and commented out the pf.conf file entries for the bruteforce
>> but wonder how to empty the table (so that it does not contain my ip) and
>> enable the bruteforce defence again.
> man pfctl. Specifically the -T switch.

Also, have a look at security/expiretable. You can automagically remove
entries from tables after specified time. It is mentioned in the article
linked above [1].




Karol Kwiatkowski   <karol.kwiat at gmail dot com>
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