Hi All,

I am looking for a good laptop to put FreeBSD (PCBSD) on. The general consensus seems to be that IBM make good units and that the T60 is a good choice. But when I look at the three components that seem to cause most trouble in laptops 1. Graphics cards, 2. high definition audio and 3. wireless cards, the T60 doesn't look so good.

So I'm a bit confused.

Ok, I know that some people are having success with a driver for the Intel 3945abg wireless, but it is still in development and not yet in the base system yet. In the short term, a wireless card can be used so this area can be overcome.

I don't know what is happening on the high definition audio front. I think a driver is being worked on but there is no work around until it becomes available. So for the moment there is no sound.

All the T60 models have either Intel or ATI graphic cards which don't have good support in FreeBSD (so I hear). In fact, a lot of people say always go for nVidia cards. This does not seem likely to change.

So the T60 seems to strike out in all three areas. In fact most modern laptops have the same problems.

So is my assessment correct? Or is there hope yet for the T60.

Thanks for any input.

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