On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 22:07:13 -0800 (PST) Rob wrote:

> I already described in detail what I've been doing
> with the FreeBSD server and the Compaq HP client PC
> here:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2007-February/142116.html

> The Bootp exchange seems to be fine and the client
> gets the kernel from the server. However, during
> the kernel loading, the client PC "implodes" and
> starts from BIOS boot up again. The boot messages
> are given below.

> The crash messages scroll too fast over the screen
> to see the details with the bare eye. I recorded it
> with a digital camera and a snapshot of it is here:

>   http://www.lahaye.dds.nl/pxeboot/crash.jpg

> The whole boot process in plain text goes as
> follows:

> --------------------------------------------------
> Attempting Boot From Intel(R) Boot Agent Version
> 3.0.05 (PnP Device)

> Initializing Intel(R) Boot Agent Version 3.0.05
> PXE 2.0 Build 078 (WfM 2.0), RPL V2.73

> Intel(R) Boot Agent Version 3.0.05
> Copyright (C) 1997-2000, Intel Corporation

> CLIENT MAC ADDR: 00 02 A5 93 F7 44  GUID:
> 67862AE2-117C-D511-BFE9-F3C48B4FB125
> DHCP./

> BTX loader 1.00 BTX version is 1.01
> Consoles: internal video/keyboard
> BIOS drive A: is disk0
> BIOS drive C: is disk1

> PXE version 2.1, real mode entry point 09db8:8186
> BIOS a573kB/268896kB available memory

> FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
> pxe_open: server addr:
> pxe_open: server path: /
> pxe_open: gateway ip:

>     Welcome to FreeBSD!


>  [ Boot option menu 1 to 7 ] FreeBSD-ascii-cartoon

> /boot/kernel/kernel text=0x4d568c /
> int=...... err=.... ef11=.... eip=....

> --------------------------------------------------

> And the crash happens.
> Note that the crash occurs for whatever option
> 1 to 6 I choose from the FreeBSD boot menu.

> Does someone understand the crash messages?

Not that I understand those messages but some time ago I've had a
similar case. It took me some hours to realise that I try to load
amd64 kernel to i386 diskless station...

Boris Samorodov (bsam)
Research Engineer, http://www.ipt.ru Telephone & Internet SP
FreeBSD committer, http://www.FreeBSD.org The Power To Serve
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