Jerry McAllister wrote:
Hello Robin,

I see from the latest announcement that freebsd-update is now in the base system for 6.2. Following the links I see there's a procedure for 6.0-61. and another for 6.1-6.2 binary updating.

By the way, I see that your post says binary update, but I really
don't have confidence in that and prefer updating the source
and doing the build as I described in my response.


no problem, I just replied to that and I almost guessed you might have missed the binaryness. My experience of the binary update process is fairly positive, but there have been glitches eg my lsof didn't get updated along with a kernel and I now see stuff like

lsof: WARNING: compiled for FreeBSD release 6.0-RELEASE; this is 6.0-SECURITY.

when using it. I suppose things like lsof needing to be recompiled are an implied dependency and may be hard to find.
Robin Becker
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