
My question is related to PF performances with large state tables.
FreeBSD : 5.5
hw.model: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz
hw.physmem: 2138378240 = 2 Gb

If I put a mail server
        20 SMTP hits per second (thanks to spam...)
        15 seconds per SMTP dialog
        90 seconds for PF timeout tcp.close
the state table will have:
        20 * (90 + 15) * 2 ways = 5.000 entries

Since any mail generates a few DNS queries (reverse DNS,
+ DSNRBL queries), the state table will also gets 
        2 ways * 60 seconds (timeout udp.multiple) * 5 (DNS queries) * 20 
        = 12.000 entries

So I'll get around 20.000 entries, each of them have a short lifetime.

. is such a number a performance problem?
  It seems strange to constantly add and delete entries for DNS
  requests in the state table?
. or do I have to write rules to avoid all the (unnecessary??)
  entries? As far as I understand, beginning with
        pass in quick proto udp from a.b.c.d port 53 to any
        ... same for TCP/25 ...
  is the trick.


Jacques Beigbeder                    |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Service de Prestations Informatiques |     http://www.spi.ens.fr
Ecole normale supérieure             |
45 rue d'Ulm                         |Tel : (+33 1)1 44 32 37 96
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