Thanks, David. I had already configured it like that the first time around after reading up on it a bit. Most articles/tips I have read say to wait 10 minutes or so and then compress the logs with a shell script in order to be sure Apache finished logging to the files. Another thing, just to be sure. If I had 30 vhosts on my server and each had logs in their home directory, I would still use newsyslog to rotate and delete them, correct? I assume one needs tons of disk space to do that if the sites are rather large.

David Robillard wrote:
On 3/3/07, Peter Pluta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I see, thanks. Does the shell script you use automatically delete the
original logs after verbalizer or awstats makes it's own? I imagine the
ones those programs use are smaller in size?

No, the shell script does not delete any logs. Log rotation and
compression is the job of newsyslog.

Alright, after some more RTFM on Apache logs, here's what your
newsyslog.conf(5) configuration should look like.

/var/log/httpd/access.log                            640 5 1048576 * B
/var/run/ 30
/var/log/httpd/error.log                                640 5 1048576
* B /var/run/ 30

Of course, you should taylor this to suit your own needs (like the
size, ownership and number logs kept on disk, etc.)

But keep the "B" flag for Binary which will prevent newsyslog from
adding a line in your logs which says it was rotated. It _may_ confuse
some log analyser (depends on your log analyser software). Also make
sure to add the "30" at the end of each line. This is the kill(1)
number for signal -USR1 which gracefully restarts Apache.

Now the reason I removed the "Z" flags, which eliminates compression,
is to make sure all of your children httpd processes have enough time
to write their logs into the log file. If a request on your site is
rather long, them this is the best way to go. Of couse, that means you
will need a little bit more disk space. But not that much depending on
how much logs you keep (i.e. 5 in the example above).



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