Paris Jones wrote:

*/Garrett Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    Paris Jones wrote:
    > I am using FreeBSD 6.0 Stable.
    > My friend told me about Skype and was very egar to try it, to my
    dismay the port of Skype will only accept one device for audio
    input and output, (Which my headset requires) and I would rather
    not mess with the DSP hijacker so I installed the linux build for (The static with QT compiled in) but was also upset to
    find that I could not call or receive calls from anyone. I am
    using the linux_base-8, if someone could tell me how I can start
    calling people it would be very useful, I have read maybe 2
    articles about this on google and both tell me to install ports
    that no longer exist.
    > Thank you again.
    > -ARCKEDA
    That's because OSS by itself doesn't support more than one channel
    at a
    time. You need to support virtual channels (a FreeBSD only feature
    AFAIK) by entering in the following lines in /etc/sysctl.conf:

    hw.snd.maxautovchans = 20 # Adjust to fit the number of simultaneous
    sound channels you want enabled at once.


I don't think that multiple sound channels are the problem. You see, in the port,

there is only one sound device I can choose, even though my headset outputs to

/dev/dsp and gets input from /dev/dsp1, so that I can only talk or hear, not both at

the same time. The linux build will not even let me call anyone or recieve calls,

not even the call testing service.

Please feel free to tell me any thing that you think might help.


Yes, it's most likely the problem if you can't play multiple audio sources at once.

Just please try my suggestion before saying it's not possible.

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