Olivier Regnier wrote:

I have a problem with my perl script with the command sed. Here is a example of my code:

# Selecting the fast server
print "Using the server called $server";
system(`/usr/bin/sed 's|\*default host=\(.*\)|\*default host=${server}|' $standard_supfile > $standard_supfile.copy`);
system('/bin/mv $standard_supfile.copy $standard_supfile');

But in console i have this message:
sed: 1: "s|*default host=(.*)|*d ...": unescaped newline inside subsitute pattern

Can you help me please ?

Thank you :)
You forgot "chomp $server;" All commands with backticks ('`') have newlines inserted after them. There should only be one reference to "*default host=" though, so why are you going through the trouble of using sed?
   This can be done inline with perl as well.
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