On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 21:39:42 -0400
"Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
>     Thanks for your reply. Please see below for responses.

> Here is my add-ons to /boot/device.hints:
> # custom devices
> hint.scbus.0.at="ahc0"   #find this with dmesg
> hint.sa.0.at="scbus0"
> hint.sa.0.target="5"
> hint.sa.0.unit="0"
> hint.cd.0.at="scbus0"
> hint.cd.0.target="0"
> hint.cd.0.unit="0"
> hint.cd.1.at="scbus0"
> hint.cd.1.target="1"
> int.cd.1.unit="0"


I would try commenting out or removing the hints referencing the cd's
so that you are only wiring down the scsi tape. 

The only other thing that comes to mind is the options master/slave on
the optical drives themselves. Both drives should be on the same ATA
cable and I always set "master" on the drive at the far end of the
cable and "slave" on the other. 

If this does not help I am afraid that I can be of no further help.
perhaps someone else on the list can give some additional advice.

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