On Thursday 19 April 2007, dhaneshk k said:
> HI all,
>    I installed FreeBSD6.0 server in my  Intel P4 machine , and I
> installed apache-2.2 webserver through /usr/ports and when I tried
> to
> start  my webserver  by /usr/local/sbin/apachectl   command ,
> But when I pointing the url http://localhost in my
> mozillafirefox(Gnome2.18 configured in this machine ) I am getting
> an error  " refused the connection The server may be busy Or may
> have a network connection problem   in mY browser window , but
> using this browser I can able to access all internet sites and
> search engines .

Check /var/log/httpd-error.log for errors. Your webserver may not be 
started. Also check ps waux | grep httpd to see if you have any httpd 
processes running. 

Even minor config file errors will keep apache from starting.

> Second thing , I installed Zope29    via /usr/ports/www/zope  and
> made all the instance dir and configuration for zope ,
>   but here also same problem  when I started my zope instance by
> using the ZopeInstance/bin/zopectl
> start command the process is starting   ,
> but when I point the URl
>   http://localhost:8080
> same error (refused the connection  The server may be busy Or may
> have a network connection problem   in My browser window )
> I tried   same error
> then tried (same error    here this is
> the ip of my machine )
> At last    I  tried    telnet 8080 its not connecting
>   but  the smtp port  i tried (telnet 25 ) its connecting
> Can anybody help me to sove this issue please.
> Thanks in Advance
> dhanesh
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