On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:12:06 -0700, FreeBSD WickerBill wrote:

> I portupgraded thunderbird today (6.1 p11, KDE 3.5.6_2) and while it's
> semi-functional, it does seg fault as it checks the pop server. 
> These problems were fixed by uninstalling all broken extensions and removing
> the theme I was using and installing the default theme.

Hmm, I don't even get that far. TB 2.0 just immediately seg faults for me
(after coming up and showing itself, apparently as it's checking but it's
not "semi-functional" for me at all). Didn't have much time to look into it
this morning before work but I do have a number of extensions so maybe my
problem is similar to yours (I use IMAP though). I assume TB has a safemode
switch similar to Firefox's... I'll have to look into it tonight or
tomorrow. Anyone else seeing TB 2.0 crash on startup?

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