On Friday 11 May 2007 02:06:32 pm Andrew Falanga wrote:
> Hi,
> Many thanks to Eric for pointing me in the correct direction with
> Wireshark and Ethereal.  Interestingly, I couldn't find the directory
> (or the port) for wireshark on my system but did find the references
> to it on www.freshports.org.  So, I downloaded the pre-compiled
> package for wireshark from freebsd.org and installed wireshark that
> way.
> Now, when I try to start the program, I get the following error message:
> /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libnetsnmp.so.10" not found,
> required by "wireshark"
> I know that this error is coming from the linker.  However, I'm not
> sure how to fix it because I checked and the net-snmp port is loaded
> on my system.  How do I get this shared object so that I can use
> wireshark?
> By the way, I didn't do a force install even if some dependencies are
> absent.  I simply did pkg_add wireshare-xxxxxxx.  I actually had to
> install a few extra packages that were lacking on my system for the
> pkg_add to work.
> Thanks,
> andy

Try cvsuping your ports tree if wireshark isn't located at:


I would try that before anything else.  Thats because trying to deal with 
packages after I've updated everything else usually turns out to be far more 
keystrokes than 'make install clean'.  :)




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