Written by jbarnet on 05/25/07 00:55>>
I'm receiving this error: /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libgnutls.so.13" not found, required by "libcups.so.2"
(Swat (part of samba) is trying to load, and it bombs out).

I installed samba via ports (which cups was either pre-installed or installed via a pre-req of another package)... so I'm wondering:

1) why didn't cups install the correct libgnutls version that it needed?
2) how do I find out which pacakge/port the libgnutls.so is part of?


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It sounds to me like cups was installed via a package or previous ports tree, and through some action the gnutls port was upgraded causing the libgnutls.so.13 library to vanish. Since cups is dynamically linked to the old version of the library, and no intervening actions have been made to point it to the right library, it barfs when you try to run it because a library it requires at runtime is missing. I think the best solution at this point would be to rebuild cups from the ports tree so it will link to the correct gnutls library.
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