On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 01:17:00PM -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:

> Someone I know tried installing Slackware on a Thinkpad R52 to create a
> triple-boot system (MS Windows and FreeBSD 6.2 as the other two, already
> present on the system).  The Slackware install didn't get very far (the
> installer is less than helpful -- wouldn't recognize a swap partition at
> all), but apparently it got far enough to break the FreeBSD install.
> Any tips, hints, and suggestions about how exactly to go about fixing
> the FreeBSD install (without overwriting the home partition and losing
> the installed system configuration to minimize time lost getting things
> back to "normal") would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Well, you don't say very much about just what you did and where,
so it leaves only wild guesses.   But one guess is that your other 
install wiped out the MBR on the disk.

To fix that, you can boot up the install CD and select  running
the fixit.   From the fixit use fdisk to install the FreeBSD MBR
or I think it also has boot0config.   Then try rebooting.  If that
doesn't help, then we'll have to have some more detailed inf0 --
like the slices and their layout, what order you installed things
and maybe some other stuff.


> -- 
> CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
> MacUser, Nov. 1990: "There comes a time in the history of any project when
> it becomes necessary to shoot the engineers and begin production."
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