I produced packages of all installed ports with 'pkg_create -b' to transfer them to another machine. iwi-firmware-kmod failed:

janh# pkg_create -b iwi-firmware-kmod-3.0_2
tar: Removing leading '/' from member names
janh# pkg_delete iwi-firmware-kmod-3.0_2
janh# pkg_add iwi-firmware-kmod-3.0_2.tbz
tar: /boot/modules/iwi_bss.ko: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Error opening archive: Empty input file: Inappropriate file type or format pkg_add: extract_plist: can not invoke 77 byte tar pipeline: /usr/bin/tar cf - /boot/modules/iwi\_bss.ko|/usr/bin/tar --unlink -xpf - -C /

I see that the port has:

NO_PACKAGE=     "this is a modified version of a restricted firmware"

Anyhow, every other port that may not have a public package succeeded to pkg_create just fine.

Should package creation work on NO_PACKAGE ports or not? Should I report to the maintainer?

Jan Henrik
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