On 13/06/07, dhaneshk k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everybody ,

  I tried to continue the   portupgrade -aP command again  but its showing
errors ,
Stale dependency  : at-spi-1.18.1_1 ----> xmlcatmgr-2.2  --  manually run
'pkgdb -F' to fix , or specify -0 to force

asking  pkgdb  -F  to  run

# pkgdb -F  I executed but  its showing some

Duplicated origin : multimedia/gstreamer  -gstreamer-0.10.12
Unregister any of them ?[no]

I enter no for  3/4  times for some duplicate origins

Then it asking  for Stale dependency at-spi-1.18.1_1 -->xmlcatmgr-2.2
(textproc/xmlcatmgr) :

Install stale dependency ?[yes]  y
but its failed showing that        stop in /usr/ports/textproc/xmlcatmgr
(I tried to to deinstall and make reinstall   textproc/xmlcatmgr     many
times it also failed all the times )

Here I requesting  anyone  of you to help me to

  1    provide the method  to retrive the Desktop   environment ?  OR

  2  Other wise how I can remove all the the things related to xserver  (so
that  I have to install the Gnome 2.18 again   as I did   was  portinstall
/usr/ports/x11/gnome2  )

I got stuck with gstreamer during my xorg upgrade, too, and I decided
to remove everything related to gstreamer, including the applications
that depend on it (vlc, mplayer...).
Makes it easier, IMO.

To figure out what happens to your xmlcatmgr port you should provide
the exact output, that means the error messages.

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