On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 13:56:31 -0400
"Jim Stapleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've had this answered before, but for some reason, I can't seem to
> get it working.
> I am having problems with something in WINE and I want to see if it's
> the version of WINE, thus I'd *like* to reinstall WINE 0.9.39 and put
> 0.9.36 back. I have my supfile set to 2007.06.15... and use these
> commands:
> sudo csup -i 'emulators/wine' -L 2 /etc/supfile-ports
> sudo csup -i '*ulators/win*' -L 2 /etc/supfile-ports
> sudo csup -i 'emulators/wine' -L 2 /etc/supfile-ports
> But I don't see the standard patch applications I would see when
> something is updating with any of them.
> What am I doing wrong?

I don't know, but I use ports-mgmt/portdowngrade when I want to do this
kind of thing.
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