Hello, I am trying to install freebsd 5.0 on a Maxtor 52049U4 20G hard drive. The disk is slaved on ide0. The fdisk will not let me create a slice larger than 2G. Further more I can not create any number of slices totaling more than 2G. The mobo is a MSI KT4 ulta with a VIA KT400 chipset. The onboard ide controller is a VIA VT8235 chipset. The drive geometry is always reported incorrectly when I boot from the freebsd installation cdrom. When I set the geometry manually the size is reported correctly but I am still unable to slice the disk larger than 2GB.

Are these problems related to the new-ness of my mobo and chipset or am I just doing something wrong? Is there a work around for the problem?

I want to dedicate the entire disk to the freebsd installation.


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