On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 06:48, Gannater János wrote:
> My problem is that,
> I installed the popper and the imap-uw programs. With make install 
> from their directory in /usr/ports.
> My first problem is that I can't find the popper program...
> All the installations went fine!
> Athought the impad program does exists, but if I start it I can't see it 
> anywhere. Not in sockstat in the ps and telnet .....
> I tried to restart the system, but nothing else changed. Of course I 
> uncommented the pop3 and imap lines in the /etc/inetd.conf file.
> Do you have a guess what could be wrong?

imapd is a peculiar program. It doesn't actually understand IP or ports,
merely stin and stdout. If you have uncommented it's lines in inetd, try
'telnet localhost 143' and see if you get a response. The sockstat and
netstat suggestions will not work for imapd, since it is started by

Your inetd daemon is running, right? If not, check the Handbook on how
to enable it (IIRC it's an option you need to set in rc.conf, but should
be enabled in /etc/defaults/rc.conf)


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