i am not sure why local0 would not work at the bottom of the file
may be some sort of rules - first come, first serv

but, sorry i forgot to mention of the my syslog.conf file along with named.conf file

*.*                                             /var/log/bind/named.log

this is what i got, but i don't like to log named instances into /var/ log/messages

On Jul 11, 2007, at 8:14 AM, Patrick Dung wrote:

--- Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sunday,  8 July 2007 at 12:06:26 -0700, Patrick Dung wrote:
I am using FreeBSD 6.2 with the default bind (not ports).
By default chroot is used.

It's not a major issue, but it's probably worth pointing out that
whatever code base you use (base or ports) the behavior such as
chroot, logging, etc. is controlled by the combination of
/etc/rc.d/named and your named.conf options. Therefore this
applies equally well either way.

I use FreeBSD 6.2 with the named come with the base.

named_enable="YES"               # Run named, the DNS server (or NO).
named_program="/usr/sbin/named" # path to named, if you want a
different one.
#named_flags=""                 # Flags for named
named_pidfile="/var/run/named/pid" # Must set this in named.conf as
named_uid="bind"                # User to run named as
named_chrootdir="/var/named"    # Chroot directory (or "" not to
auto-chroot it)
named_chroot_autoupdate="YES" # Automatically install/update chrooted
                                # components of named. See
named_symlink_enable="YES"      # Symlink the chrooted pid file

When named start or stop, it does have log in /var/log/messages.
But for example, when some do domain transfer successfully, that
is not
logged (zone transfer denied is logged).

I have intentionally avoided adding more complex logging to the
default named.conf because it's very hard to decide which way to land
on this to make the most people happy (and/or the least people mad).
am of course always open to suggestions. :)

I need to log successful domain transfer for debugging purpose (which
slave/client has done domain transfer at what time).

So I tried to add this part in named.conf (enabled local0.* in
syslog.conf) , but still no luck. Any suggestions?

The obvious ones, did you HUP the daemon after you changed the conf,
and did you pre-create any new files that syslogd is supposed to
to for the local0 facility? Can you share your syslog.conf line for
this? Do you get any joy when you try 'logger -plocal0.info blah' ?

logging {
        channel named-log {

While I don't see that it's explicitly forbidden to use a - in a
channel name, every example I've ever seen or used myself uses an
underscore instead (named_log).

                //syslog daemon;
                syslog local0;
                severity info;
                print-category yes;
     category default { named-log; };
     category xfer-in { named-log; };
     category xfer-out { named-log; };
     category unmatched { null; };

This all looks good (modulo the - issue I mentioned above), and I use
something similar myself, so once you're sure you can write to the
syslog facility, you should be able to get this to work.

I should probably also point out that unless you really need this to
go to syslog, you're probably better off writing to a file channel
instead (less overhead, especially on a busy server). Either way
is information in the ARM that will help you,

After furher testing, I got my problem solved.
1. I found named-log is ok to use.
2. I did not need to change my previous named.conf.
3. The problem is in /etc/syslog.conf

With the default /etc/syslog.conf, I have add a line:
local0.*                                        /var/log/messages
There is a difference on where I put it, if I put it at the bottom of
the file, even `logger -p local0.info test` will not work.
If it put that line on the top-most of syslog.conf, everything is
working fine...

BTW, could anyone explain why putting local0.* /var/log/messages at the
bottom of syslog.conf will not work?





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