I'm not totally opposed to what comes up in X if you start with no
.xinitrc, but it's a tad ugly.  I'd ideally like to have a nifty
window manager, like one of those new 3d ones, but I find no point in
running kde/gnome/xfce - I launch everything (firefox, etc.) from a
prompt anyway.  So howto?  I presume I just have to put some things
instead of "exec xfce-session" in my .xinitrc?  Is there a guide to
this somewhere?  Do most window managers configure pretty easily
without a desktop?  Is this a common demand?  I did the same thing to
XP at work and it's way less annoying in my opinion
NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]-> change
"Shell"="c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe" from shell=explorer)
My friend got the idea for XP.  As far as we know it's a completely
unknown XP hack.  Please credit "Scott Plumlee" if you share/post it.

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