Hello RW

Am Sun, Jul 22, 2007 at 10:16:50PM +0100 RW schrieb:
> > I read UPDATING and did all the steps described there. 
> No, you didn't because /usr/ports/x11/xorg-libraries/Makefile contains
> a little test to make sure you have read UPDATING.

No, it's not correct. I followed the steps from top to down. Since I have no 
gstreamer ports (I did not find any) I used portupgrade -a. After this I get 
the output as I send before.
Yes, I checked also the .../xorg-libraries/Makefile and saw the if loop. I now 
too that after portupgrade -a went I need further steps too (symlinks etc.).
 Since I'm not 100% shure that this output is correct I wrote this mail. So if 
I do something wrong please give me a hint where I did something wrong.
Any hints are welcome.
> >After
> > portupgrade -a I get the attached output. It that correct? I see
> > there probably problems with the xorg-libraries.
> > Any hints are welcome.
> >
> > ===>  Cleaning for xorg-libraries-7.2_1^M
> > Read /usr/ports/UPDATING for the procedure to upgrade or install xorg
> > 7.2.^M *** Error code 1^M
> > ^M
> > Stop in /usr/ports/x11/xorg-libraries.^M



Martin Schweizer

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