
        We just cvsup'd a machine from 4.6.2 to 4.7, made world, and installed
a new kernel. Now mysql is complaining :

Fatal error 'Can't create gc thread' at line ? in file /usr/src/lib/libc_r/uthre
ad/uthread_create.c (errno = ?)
030129 10:36:35  mysqld restarted
Fatal error 'Can't create gc thread' at line ? in file /usr/src/lib/libc_r/uthre
ad/uthread_create.c (errno = ?)
030129 10:36:35  mysqld restarted
Fatal error 'Can't create gc thread' at line ? in file /usr/src/lib/libc_r/uthre
ad/uthread_create.c (errno = ?)

        Any ideas where to start? Tried to recompile mysql to see if it just
needed that, and it didn't change anything.

                Thanks, Tuc/TTSG Internet Services, Inc.

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