Hey all,

First off, I don't care if you send example in perl, php, or sh, but we're not a python shop here, so those recommendation will not be useful...

I'm trying to write a shell script that scans our databases for tables starting with archive_ which are created by other scripts/ departments, etc. This script needs to perform a mysqldump of that table, and then gzip it. It's MUCH quick to pipe directly to gzip, than perform the dump, then gzip that. The problem is, this table to filesystem dump is also going to drop those archive_* tables. We would like to know that the mysqldump worked before we do this. The problem we're having, as I'm sure others have run into (at least according to Google), is that a command such as the following leaves no apparent easy way to capture the exit status of the mysqldump command:

# mysqldump -u $USER -p$PASS $DBHOST $DATABASE $TABLE | gzip > $TABLE.sql.gz

Anyone have any good recommendations?


Eric Crist
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