On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 10:20:18PM +0100, Gannater János wrote:
> I would like to enable ssl for apache.
> So I can have a website at https://
> I compiled mod_ssl to my existing apache configuration.
> When I say apachectl configtest a whole error log comes up...
> How can I do this ssl thing correctly?
> Where should I put the homepages to be availible at https:// ?
> What should I have in the httpd.conf file?
> The errors:
> [Thu Jan 30 22:18:34 2003] [warn] Loaded DSO
> libexec/apache/mod_vhost_alias.so uses plain Apache 1.3 API,
> this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it
> with -DEAPI)

you have to recompile apache. mod_ssl comes with eapi
(enhanced api) and the standard apache modules have to be aware
of it.

after installing apache with mod_ssl you will find a virtualhost
section named "_default_:443". there you have to specify DocumentRoot.
this is where apache searches for html files by default. normally it
is set to <apache install directory>/htdocs.

but for a better explanation see the INSTALL file that comes with
the mod_ssl source package. 

Terror ist der Krieg der Armen,   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Krieg ist der Terror der Reichen. | Toni Schmidbauer
- Sir Peter Ustinov               |

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