Hey everyone,

Has anyone seen a problem with the quota command (off
of 4.7-Stable) whereby quotas are misrepresented?  I
have a NetApp filer that hosts my NIS users' home
dirs, and I have setup 6Gig quotas.  When I run quota
on one of my FreeBSD boxes I get:

Disk quotas for user eoster (uid 1000): 
     Filesystem   usage   quota   limit   grace  
files   quota   limit   grace
                    852 2097152 2097152             
53  358400  358400        

When I run quota on a Linux box on the same network I

Disk quotas for user eoster (uid 1000): 
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace  
files   quota   limit   grace
                    852  6291456 6291456             
53  358400  358400        

I've looked online for reports of this behavior, and
all I have found is a bug report from 1995 that
suggests a patch to quota.c.  The patch simply casts
limit variables to u_quad_t.  Does this behavior sound
familiar?  I am a little leary of adding a patch from
7 years ago.

Thanks in advance,


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