Will give this a try. Since my server is a remote server that I can accessed
only by ssh, what are other rules do I need to add in? I don't want to have
a situation where I will lock myself out.

Is it correct to say that the rules that I put in will only block those in
the rules and allow all that are not in the rules?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 2:15 PM

To: Aminuddin
Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
Subject: Re: How to block 200K ip addresses?

In the last episode (Aug 26), Aminuddin said:
> From: Dan Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > In the last episode (Aug 26), Aminuddin said:
> > > From: Dan Nelson 
> > > > In the last episode (Aug 26), Aminuddin said:
> > > > > How do you block this large range of ip addresses from
> > > > > different subnet? IPFW only allows 65536 rules while this
> > > > > will probably use up a few hundred thousands of lines.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I'm also trying to add this into my proxy configuration file,
> > > > > ss5.conf but it doesn't allow me to add this large number.
> > > > > 
> > > > > IS this the limitation of IPF or FreeBSD? How do I work
> > > > > around this?
> > > > 
> > > > Even though there are 65536 rule numbers, each number can
> > > > actually have any amount of rules assigned to it.  What you're
> > > > probably looking for, though, is ipfw's table keyword, which
> > > > uses the same radix tree lookup format as the kernel's routing
> > > > tables, so it scales well to large amounts of sparse addresses. 
> > > > man ipfw, search for "lookup tables".
> > >
> > > I intend to create a ruleset file consisting of this statement:
> > > 
> > > Ruleset------------------------
> > >
> > > add 2300 skipto 2301 ip from to any
> > > add 2400 skipto 2401 ip from any to
> > > add 2300 skipto 2302 ip from to any
> > > add 2400 skipto 2402 ip from any to
> > [...]
> > > add 2300 skipto 2363 ip from to any
> > > add 2400 skipto 2463 ip from any to
> > > add 2300 skipto 2364 ip from to any
> > > add 2400 skipto 2464 ip from any to
> > >
> > > add 2301 deny ip from to any
> > > add 2401 reject ip from any to
> > > add 2302 deny ip from to any
> > > add 2402 reject ip from any to
> > [...]
> > > add 2302 deny ip from to any
> > > add 2402 reject ip from any to
> > > add 2302 deny ip from to any
> > > add 2402 reject ip from any to
> > > ------------------------------------end ruleset
> > > 
> > > Will the above rules block me from ssh into my remote server if
> > > the ip addresses of my local pc (dynamic ip) not within any of
> > > the above rules ip range as well as block my snmpd services?
> > 
> > Yes; it's a little convoluted but should work.  You want to drop
> > incoming packets from the listed IP ranges, and return a "host
> > unreachable" to internal machines sending outgoing packets to the
> > listed IP ranges?  Wouldn't it be easier to use ipfw's table
> > feature and have something like this:
> > 
> > add table 1
> > add table 1
> > add table 1
> > [...]
> > add table 1
> > add table 1
> > add 2300 deny ip from table 1 to any
> > add 2400 reject ip from any to table 1
> > 
> > That way you only have two ipfw rules, both of which use a single
> > table lookup.
> My complete list has about 300K of lines. It takes about a few hours
> just to load the rules. Will it be faster to load using the table?
I did a quick test myself by fetching the safepeer ip list and adding
it via rules and tables.  This was a quick hack, so I'm just adding the
first IP in each line, not the whole netblock (I didn't want to write a
range->netmask converter).  On my heavily-loaded box (currently doing a
buildworld and some mrtg sweeps), I'm only able to insert about 60 ipfw
"deny ip from to any"-format rules per second.  By contrast:

([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /tmp># head -3 splist1.table
table 1 add
table 1 add
table 1 add
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /tmp># wc -l splist1.table
  191637 splist1.table
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /tmp># time ipfw /tmp/splist1.table
ipfw /tmp/splist1.table: U:3.30s S:1.75s E:6.74s CPU:75% Faults:0/95 I/O:0/0
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /tmp># ipfw table 1 list | wc -l

Under 7 seconds to load all 191k entries :)

        Dan Nelson

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