On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 16:22:39 -0700
"Kurt Buff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to implement a script that I found, and it's referencing
> Net::LDAP, Net::LDAP::Control::Paged and Net::LDAP::Constant
> I'm not finding p5-net-ldap in ports, though I do see
> p5-ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP and p5-perl-ldap.
> Can I:
> A) leave the script as-is, and simply install one or the other of
> these ports, and have it work? If so, which one?
> Or, must I
> B) commit minor surgery on the script wherever I see references to
> those packages, and if so, what might that look like?
> The script in question is found here:
> http://www-personal.umich.edu/~malth/gaptuning/postfix/
> for getting SMTP addresses from my Exchange server.


Maybe this is not a direct answer, but it seems that

C) port it!

is the best. :) Seriously, if you really have a long term need for
Net::LDAP module, then porting would be the most convenient for you and
for others.

Just look at Makefile of net/p5-ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP. Make
the port for you own use, test it, then share.

Nikola Lečić
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