On Sep 13, 2007, at 1:15 PMSep 13, 2007, Jack Barnett wrote:

Using FreeBSD 6.2 x86.

I have a script called:

The user is 'foo'.  The password is 'bar'.

What I'm trying to do is run the MyScript.sh command on startup (that way if the box reboots, then this users process also re- starts it's self).


/etc/crontab allows you to actually specify the user to run the process as in the 6th field. An entry such as:

@reboot     foo     /home/foo/scripts/MyScript.sh

Would work for running the process at startup. The following entry is an example for running a script as user for every Monday on 3pm:

00     03    *     *     1     foo     /home/foo/scripts/MyScript.sh

And, as others have already said, you can just put the following entry in user foo's crontab: * Note, you can access that user's crontab by loggin in as that user and typing "crontab -e", or as root by typing "crontab -e -u foo":

@reboot     /home/foo/scripts/MyScript.sh

Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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