On Sun, Sep 30, 2007 at 11:57:14PM -0400, C Thala wrote:
> Hardware: IBM ThinkPad T41
> OS: FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p7
> My laptop recently started exhibiting very weird behavior.
> Sleeping still works fine, but when I bring it back from sleep, X
> Windows seems to have crashed. Whatever is on the screen (fvwm,
> xscreensaver, etc.) will still be there, but there is a few lines of
> weird red symbols accross the top. It will be in a frozen state, and
> there is nothing I can do to get the machine to respond apart from
> doing a cold boot.
> Any ideas why this is happening or how to debug it?

I suspect it's a problem similar to one I've been having, and am
investigating.  I upgraded to X.org 7.3, and have since then had problems
with ACPI events screwing up my X session (to the point that it make the
OS as a whole pretty much stop working except via SSH for remote access).

I have problems with not only sleeping, but also starting X if my laptop
is running on its battery (thus with scaled-down power usage) instead of
being plugged in.  Even when starting X (successfully) while plugged in,
however, it puts some interesting garbage on my screen for a few seconds
before it starts working properly.

CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
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