
Is there any up-to-date definitive resource which explains how to get FreeBSD (6.2) to authenticate against Active Directory (in my case Windows 2003 R2 which includes SFU). There are a few informative articles floating around, but most date back to 2004/2005 and most involve the use of Samba and Winbind (I'd like to avoid this if possible).

I don't really know what is possible here, I'm coming from only a basic understanding of how things like pam work. Would I have to configure every service separately to use Active Directory or could I tell FreeBSD to blindly rely on AD for user authentication?

I read about pam_mkhomedir, so users could have homedirs created automatically when they logged in. Is this possible in FreeBSD? Would I be able to map this automatically to their existing "My Documents" folder which is redirected to the network by group policy?

Please feel free to tell me what can/can't be done and if doing so is a good/bad thing. I can explain bits in more detail if needed.

Kind regards,

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