> ---------- Message transféré ----------
> From: "Neil Munro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:43:02 +0000
> Subject: Firefox crashing
> Hey, I have recently gotten FreeBSD working for the first time ever. I am
> very happy with it, however there are a few things I have having trouble
> getting to work, firefox is my main issue atm, it got installed along with
> Gnome 2.20 as you would expect however when I tried to run it nothing
> happened, now while I am new to FreeBSD I am not new to *Nix systems, so I
> used a tip I picked up from adjusting portupgrade to use BDB4 and ran 'make
> config' in the firefox ports directory, I enabled logging and debug etc just
> to see if it could provide any useful output as to what might be the cause
> of firefox crashing. It worked, and attached is the log of what happens when
> I try to start Firefox.
> I am cvsup'ing now and will try recompiling firefox again, see if that makes
> a difference, but I have been playing with FreeBSD all week and not gotten
> Firefox to work yet.
> Thanks
> Niadh

I had problems also to get firefox running, maybe it will help:
first of all, firefox is very sensitive to optimization options and I
had to keep conservative flags in make.conf (never had a crash during
compilation but impossible to launch later)
second, there is a problem of ownership: the first time you launch it,
it creates a directory in home directory, but since the directory
owner is root you don't have read-write access and can't launch as
user. Try to sudo the first launch to see if it works, if it does
chmod rw the home/.firefox directory to user (not sure about the name
of directory, I'm not on my machine now). Maybe the directory is
created under /root, you must move it to home and chmod it. It worked
for me, hope it helps.
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