Chris Whitehouse wrote:
Chris Whitehouse wrote:

Installing ports or upgrading the base system only uses around 50% cpu
utilization (measured with the top utility) on my dual core machine. Is
there some way I can get higher cpu usage?

/usr/src/UPDATING says don't use make -j. I tried installing with make -j 2 but it failed at some stage saying it
couldn't find a directory. It works not using -j.
This was just added to the ports tree as port of Google Summer of Code 2007. I don't recall if its was complete.

Lots of people compile the base system with -jX
The sweet spot is typically number of cores + 1

so on a dual dual core computer use -j5

If your disks are slow, they will hold your cpu back.

Philip M. Gollucci ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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