Thank you! I have located modules in /usr/local/libexec/apache and have added them in the correct order to my httpd.conf.

However, apache does not want to start.

sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache start
Starting apache
with no errors, yet sockstat -4 reveals that httpd is not running. My file is in a directory
which is owned by the user and group apache should run under (www/www).

ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "/usr/local"
PidFile /var/run/apache/
ScoreBoardFile /var/run/apache/httpd.scoreboard
ResourceConfig /dev/null
AccessConfig /dev/null


Port 3000
User www
Group www
UseCanonicalName Off
ServerSignature Off
HostnameLookups Off
ServerTokens Prod

My firewall script allows binding to port 3000, so I'm at a loss here.

On Nov 11, 2007, at 1:10 AM, Matthew Seaman wrote:

Hash: SHA256

futuristick wrote:

I have installed apache13-modperl from ports because I want to run a
simple photoblog. However, there was no 'make config' option for
modules, and here is the output of httpd -l:

Compiled-in modules:
suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/local/sbin/suexec

I don't understand why mod_dir and mod_mime aren't installed by default.
How can I serve pages without these? How can I get these modules
installed? (I don't know where, if any, the .so files might be).

Not having an OPTIONS dialog is just a symptom of the age of the
port and that the possibility of implementing such a thing has not
yet risen to the top of the maintainer's TODO list.  OPTIONS are not
mandatory in the ports system -- you can still use the original and
in some circumstances superior method of defining compilation flags
on the command line or (more usefully) in /etc/make.conf

However, the only way to find out what flags are available is by
looking at what the Makefile provides.  In the case of apache13-modssl
the Makefile is really rather complex, but the maintainer has
provided some handy documentation of what can be tweaked:

   % cd /usr/ports/www/apache13-modssl
   % make pre-fetch

As it transpires, the apache13-modssl port doesn't give you a
huge amount of flexibility as to how the module load is configured.
There are about 4 -- 5 optional modules you can enable or disable
completely, most of which I doubt you'll have any need for, although
suexec is possibly an exception that you may want.

Otherwise you get the default setup from the Apache configuration
system as invoked with the following flags:

                --enable-module=most \
                --enable-module=auth_db \
                --enable-module=mmap_static \
                --disable-module=auth_dbm \
                --enable-shared=max \
                --enable-module=ssl \
                --enable-module=define \

That is, everything standard except experimental modules and auth_dbm is enabled, plus auth_db, mmap_static and ssl. Modules are configured as loadable modules rather than compiled in. That gives you maximum
flexibility and maximum control over how large your apache processes
will grow but adds a layer of indirection to various pointer lookups
which will add a few percent to the time it takes to serve a page.
Unless you're trying to run your server at the absolute max, that is
almost definitely the correct choice.

mod_dir and mod_mime are certainly installed and available as part of
the default package. Look in /usr/local/etc/libexec/apache to find the
loadable modules themselves.  Look at the 'LoadModule' lines in
/usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf to see what is being loaded at runtime
- -- the default is to load everything available.



- --
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
PGP:     Ramsgate
                                                  Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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