On Nov 25, 2007, at 1:58 PM, bsd wrote:

Bind works perfectly out of the box on most FBSD recent versions.

You should not move things out of the path they have been setup to.
Specially on FBSD /etc is reserved for system files.

By default bind is installed in /var/named and should be kept there.

If I was you I would :
1. install the latest bind version from the port //
2. make sure you don't touch things unless absolutely necessary.
3. copy paste of modify the /var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf so that It corresponds to your needs.
4. make sure the /etc/rc.conf has the correct "named" values.
5. start it with the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ script for named //

Been runing this one with 1000 zones as both masters and slave never had any problem.

If you have more issue could give you a help on debuging bind.

My advice : STICK TO THE FBSD RULES AND PATH unless you perfectly know what you are doing.

Thank you for your response. I did not actually change anything with respect to locations and such, but some of the permissions in /var/named/etc/namedb I had changed and could not find document- ation to tell me specifically what they are supposed to be. And I was not able to deduce it. As it turned out, I had a line at the end of named.conf that tried to include rndc.key file. I removed that and named started and runs. Now my problem is getting more info on rndc. I am somewhat confused
about it. But I will get on top of that too, i expect.
ecrit...that's French for writes or has written... it's been over 40 years since I took French in high school.
Thanks again much appreciated;
Jeff K
Le 25 nov. 07 à 20:19, jekillen a écrit :

I am having some named problems:
The daemon will not start and run on system startup.
There is plenty of info on problems when named
is running, but not when it will not start.
I did get it to start after boot with
#named (su to root without - option)
It started and ran as demonstrated
with ps -aux. But the listing was
just user (me as mortal user) and
named as process (not as a path
to an executable, as is normal
for other processes).
The console messages at start up
gives me configuration file not found
errors. The files are there.
/etc/namedb/named.conf, rndc.key
/etc/namedb is a link to /var/named/etc/namedb where the config
files are. It is set up to be a slave server
for four domains.
How can I go about debugging this
My suspicions are ownership and permissions
are wrong, but how, and how to fix; ??
Thanks in advance
Jeff k

Gregober ---> PGP ID --> 0x1BA3C2FD
bsd @at@ todoo.biz

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