[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
   > I bought the board without looking at the audio parts, because
   > board has a CD in port. Turns out this one doesn't, it uses digital
   > CD Audio and doesn't use the connector anymore
   > ). Are there any options for playing CDs with FBSD on this board? I
   > can rip the disk to MP3, then play that; but are there any ways to
   > just play the disk?
   As long as you can rip it to mp3, you should be able to play it with
   e.g. vlc or any other cd player.
   Rg, Tino

   I figured that would work, was kind of wondering if there were any
   players that would play directly from the CD reading the digital data
   instead of through the analog audio output.



   2. http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/CS-014753.htm
I don't really get the problem.
You only have a digital connection to your motherboard. Therefore, when you play the CD using player <X> it play from digital data.
Of course it has to convert to analog in order to play... ;-)
Or am I not getting you?

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