On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 11:30:09PM +0900,
> We would like to export a personal computer which FreeBSD Ver6.1 was
> installed in from Japan.  Could you tell me the ECCN# of this
> software? 
> Best regards, Ishihara 

Hi Ishihara,

I've done a bit of googling and I believe the ECCN# is 5D002.

My source: "Letter to the US Department of Commerce on Exporting Linux
to Iraq"


FreeBSD like Linux should fall into the same category for exporting
publically available software that contains some security features
that use encryption.

Your best bet is to ask the Toshiba lawyers: "I'm exporting 
publically available software that contains some security features
that use encryption, what's the ECCN? It should be the same as Linux."

Failing that, your next best bet is to e-mail the US Department of
Commerce for a definitive answer.

>From what I can understand, they are the people who deal with ECCNs.


Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer or involved in the export of software.
I'm just going on what I've read. 




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