>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tino Engel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:58 PM
>To: 'V.I.Victor'
>Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>Subject: Re: Changing "/var/mail" to a symlink
>V.I.Victor schrieb:
>> Because of "/var" size considerations, I'd like to use a symlinked
>> "/usr" directory for email instead of "/var/mail".
>> Based on today's research, I think the following will work.
>> With mail delivery off, I 'su' and:
>>   mkdir  /usr/var.mail
>>   cd  /var
>>   cp  -p  mail/*  /usr/var.mail/
>>   mv  mail  mail.bak
>>   ln  -s  /usr/var.mail  mail
>> Since 'ls -l /var' shows:
>>   drwxrwxrwt  2 root mail  512 Dec 14 14:24 mail
>> I should then:
>>   cd  /usr
>>   chmod  1777  var.mail
>>   chown  root:mail  var.mail
>> No changes are made to the "/var/mail" symlink.
>> Then, if everything works, I just delete "/usr/mail.bak".
>> Does this seem OK?
>> Sorry to bother everyone with what's probably a trivial question, but
>> I *really* want to avoid screwing-up.  The machine is remote; accessed
>> via ssh.
>> Thanks!
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>Sounds reasonable to me.
>I'd just check afterwards if the permissions are like you want them to 
>be, i.e. as they have been before...
>And you might send one or another testmail to the an account on the 
>system to see if everything works as before, before you delete the 
>mail.mak directory...
>Rg, Tino

Thanks for the reply!

I was pretty sure that the symlinking was right, but was not sure how the 
permissions carried thru -- as you also mentioned.  I probably should have 
asked differently...

Also, a suggestion was made off-list that "moving" /var/mail was better-done 
via mounting a nullfs.  I'm reading up on that now.

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