On Dec 30, 2007 4:56 PM, Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 30, 2007 at 04:00:12PM +0100, Michael Grant wrote:
> > I installed healthd hoping it would show me the cpu temperatures and
> > fan speeds for my motherboard but it's reporting some crazy values
> > like fan speeds of -48C and fan speeds of 13000 rpms.
> :-)
> [snip]
> > SuperMicro provides a windows utility which reads this data, so in
> > theory I should be able to read this data somehow.
> [snip]
> > And if not via smbmsg, is there some way to get this data?
> Try sysutils/mbmon. It can access monitoring chips in multiple ways.
> Roland
> --
> R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
> [plain text _non-HTML_ PGP/GnuPG encrypted/signed email much appreciated]
> pgp: 1A2B 477F 9970 BA3C 2914  B7CE 1277 EFB0 C321 A725 (KeyID: C321A725)

Ok, I tried mbmon.  It produces equally strange results:

# mbmon -I
Temp.= 208.0,  0.0,  0.0; Rot.= 8035, 3443, 3515
Vcore = 4.08, 4.08; Volt. = 4.08, 5.03, 11.49,   0.72,  1.94

That's 208 degrees C, not believable.

mbmon wouldn't talk to the smbus, if I ran it like this it produced
the following:

# mbmon -S
InitMBInfo: Device not configured

# mbmon -d -A
SMBus[Intel8XX(ICH/ICH2/ICH3/ICH4/ICH5/ICH6)] found, but No HWM
available on it!!
Summary of Detection:
 * ISA monitor(s):
  ** Winbond Chip W83627HF/THF/THF-A found.

This chip is definitely supported by mbmon.  I read through the
motherboard manual.  It makes no mention to this chip.  The sensor
appears to be built into the motherboard and supported by the cpu.  In
other words, there's nothing special to do, I do not need a separate
sensor under the chip, it's all built-in.  The temperature should be
more like 40C and the system should automatically shut down at about
80C, so 208C is definitely not right.

What other things have people done when this data reported by healthd
and mbmon are totally wacko?

Michael Grant
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