On Jan 2, 2008 4:56 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gary Smithe
> > Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 10:11 AM
> > To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> > Subject: corporate backers of freebsd
> >
> >
> > Good Day All and Happy New Year,
> >
> > I'm not looking to incite anyone, but here comes a BSD vs Linux
> > question.  Yes, I tried searching the archives and found nothing.
> >
> > I used FreeBSD back in 2000 for a few firewalls, but due to certain
> > influences I switched to Linux after a couple of years.
> >
> > I'm interested in getting back to the BSD's but have just one big concern.
> >
> > As most users Unix and it's clones, I prefer the "free as in beer"
> > licensing model, but want to know that someone else is paying the big
> > bills.
> >
> > In short, here's my question:
> >
> > Canonical, RedHat, IBM, Novell, and a slew of others are funding /
> > supporting Linux development and pushing some of that development into
> > the free community, so that all can benefit from full-time developers
> > and the money that supports them.
> >
> > I've seen where Cisco and Juniper are using FreeBSD, and assuming
> > there are other big names, do they directly fund or contribute to the
> > community?
> >
> Gary,
>   FreeBSD USED TO HAVE a single large corporate sponsor.  Walnut Creek.
> Well, while the upside of this is that you have a pot of money that
> can be used to fund advertising ventures, fund a position to act as
> the "public" face of the project, etc.  the downside is that this ties
> the project to the fortunes of that big money pot.
>   When Walnut Creek went downhill it caused a LOT of people who were
> using FreeBSD very much consternation.
>   This is why today the project basically operates as a completely
> distributed project.
>   You might as well ask who the corporate sponsor of the Gnutella
> network is.  Nobody, and Everybody.  Yet, that network carries
> billions of bytes of pirat... I mean, valuable video data, and is
> dependended on by many bootleggers.. I mean enterprenuers.  ;-)
>   People look at Linux and say "how great it is that Linux has RedHat
> to make Linux look "legitimate" to the corporate world.  They forget
> that as RedHat is a corporation, it is under a mandate to make a
> profit every year.  Well, what happens if the day ever comes that
> RedHat starts losing money?  Don't you think that people will suddenly
> start thinking that Linux has run out of steam?  I do.
>   There is no single corporation that is ever guarenteed to exist
> forever, last forever, and remain profitable forever.  History is
> littered with large, rich companies that people once upon a time
> thought would never ever go out of business - yet they did anyway.
>   By contrast, MOVEMENTS in history NEVER run out of steam.  There are
> still, today, billions of people dumping billions of dollars every year
> into the Catholic Church - despite it's sordid history and current
> coverups of pedophiles - and that particular religious movement has been
> around more than 2000 years.
>   We want to keep FreeBSD operating as a movement.  As long as 1 person
> still believes and maintains it, it won't die.  No matter how profitable
> or unprofitable it is to run.
> Ted

Thank you all for the responses.  I've tried to track down ways to
contribute funds, as my programming skills are just above that of an
intoxicated monkey.

I found the FreeBSD foundation, which seems like the best place to start.

I can't find, however, that any book, T-Shirt, or CD purchase from any
vendor (including BSDmall) will send money back to the project.

I understand there is value in evangelism from promoting FreeBSD via
T-Shrits, stickers etc., as well as showing the profitability of books
on BSD related topics to publishers (like No Starch).

Have I missed an avenue of getting monetary support to FreeBSD?

Thanks again.

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