On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 21:25:36 +0400 (GST)
Rakhesh Sasidharan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I thought this should be easy but its not working ... :(
> I have a USB disk /dev/da0. That's got a GELI key. I also have an
> external hard-disk with partitions /dev/da1s1[a-f]. All GELI
> encrypted.
> What I want is that while booting up these encrypted partitions are 
> loaded. And their key taken from the da0 USB disk.
> I tried the obvious like mounting the USB disk in /etc/fstab and
> giving it a lower pass no. than the encrypted partitions. But turns
> out that doesn't work. 

Pass number has nothing to do with mounting order, but ...

>FreeBSD tries to attach the GELI partitions
> before mounting local filesystems! 

It has to, you have to attach a geli encrypted device before mounting
the .eli device. 

You probably need to write a script to do the attach, fsck and mount.
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