Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:

It will not update your kernel, but if you do freebsd-update install you
will get an updated GENERIC kernel in /boot/GENERIC.

This is what I did:

freebsd-update -r 6.3-RELEASE upgrade

(got the warning you mentioned)

freebsd-update install

Got a message about installing kernel updates. Got a new generic kernel
in /boot/GENERIC (check to see this exists!)

Yes, on the other machine there is no /boot/GENERIC
So what do I do (I followed the steps you described).

# locate GENERIC


Zbigniew Szalbot

So, you actually run freebsd-update install?

Running just the freebsd-update -r 6.3-RELEASE upgrade part will not install anything. You will have to run freebsd-update install, it will complain about not running a GENERIC kernel and install the new one in /boot/GENERIC. Although in my case I believe I already had a /boot/GENERIC kernel, and I think this was created by standard freebsd-update (i.e. when going from a -p# to another -p# while in 6.2)

Could you please send the output of uname -a and ls -la /boot

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